MoxyTap - Subscription

Support both space multi-user simultaneously tap to sign in and tap to sign out (MoxyTap-Space), and equipment single-user sequentially to tap to sign in and to tap to sign out (MoxyTap-Device).

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Taps card and sign in, then taps again to sign out in a serial mode, but next user can tap to sign out the previous user if the previous user forgets to tap and sign out.

Model-A: Android-based swipe card reader device, small and compact

Model-P: Integrate swipe card reader device with Windows computers for user card self-registration

Model-W: Window-based swipe card reader device, larger touchscreen and low maintenance


Users tap card to sign in lab space in a parallel and simultaneous mode and select the room or equipment in the lab space.

Fully integrated with MoxyTouch large touch screen service

All signed-in user names are visible on the large touch screen.



Less than 35 cents a day, as low as $10/month per device.


Cost effective for multiple rooms and equipment case.