ACLS SQL6.6.x bug-fixes and new features: 1. Find user training record: - simplify the script for better performance 2. Broadcast messages: - fix the bug to extract the active user supervisor option 3. Operation calendars: - hide the note section when the privacy setting is enabled 4. Resource catalog: - add comma and space between custodian name and email address 5. Timeline calendars: - add resource group seleciton option for general users 6. Popup and scrolling text announcement (admin): - add date range for popup and scrolling text announcement so announcement could stop on expiry date automatically 7. Training manager - fix SQL glitch for resource listing 8. Configure system (system admin): - add the new function to compile the list of the active users who never book any resources and tools 9. ANFFUQ: modifications as per ANFFUQ proposal - Fix the bug for form upload and save 10. CMCA: modifications as per CMCA proposal - fix tier and balance hours for preapproval processing scripts - user tier manager: fixed the tiered resource update when update user tiers 11. NIF: modifications as per NIF proposal